healow App: Trackers

I am unable to link Fitbit to healow using Facebook or Google What apps are compatible with healow Trackers? Why can’t I see my Jawbone or Moves data in my healow app? Can I share my tracking information with my provider through the app? How do I use a tracker on healow App? What are … Read more

How do I enter my tracker information?

Tracker information is automatically imported from your linked device. Additional entries or data from non-linked devices can be added manually from the healow app. To manually enter tracker information: 1. On the home screen, tap the Manage Trackers tile on the navigation panel: 2. Tap a tracker entry on the My Trackers screen: 3. Tap … Read more

How do I use a tracker on healow Mom?

When you open My Trackers, you’ll see a list of available trackers. Tap a tracker for details about how it functions and what information it tracks. If you’d like to use that one, there’s a Subscribe button that will activate it for you.  Once you’ve subscribed to a tracker, you can use that tracker’s button at the bottom of the window to … Read more

How do I use a tracker on healow.com?

When you open My Trackers, you’ll see a list of available trackers. Tap a tracker for details about how it functions and what information it tracks. If you’d like to use that one, there’s a Setup button that will activate it for you.  Once you’ve subscribed to a tracker, you can use that tracker’s button at the bottom of the … Read more